and Amy Baska in the Spring 2008 PPF Production of Robert Harling’s “Steel Magnolias”
Rumor has it: Rumors Director Liz Mykietyn, and Rumors cast member Beth Hughes-Brown (Cookie Cusack) shared the stage, once again, in PPF’s 2008 production of Steel Magnolias, directed by Tina Hodge Thronson. Steel Magnolias, our 14th production at the James Lee Community Center Theater, was one of the best attended shows in PPF history. Rumor has it, Rumors might share that distinction with “Steel”.
Read About the Rumors Cast Here
Order Your Rumors Tickets Online
Rumors opens at the James Lee Community Center Theater, 2855 Annandale RD Falls Church 22042 on May 30th for a three week run. Tickets are on sale now here.
Thurs, Fri, Sat at 7:30 PM
May 30, 31, June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 & 14
Sunday Matinees at 2 PM
June 1 & 8