A glowing review from DcMetroTheaterArts.com and outstanding acclaim from opening weekend audiences
Performance today (Sunday 12/13) @2 PM
and just 5 more performances next week.
You are not going to want to miss this one!
Snow White and the Family Dwarf
Tickets on Sale Here and At The Door
Review Excerpts from Sam Hall, DCMetroTheaterArts
“Snow White and the Family Dwarf is a mish-mash of comedy and social criticism, of preciousness and farce. It’s a lot of fun, and I – along with most of the audience – laughed and laughed throughout the show. The Providence Players of Fairfax’s production, directed by Beth Whitehead, is so entertaining…”

“The performances are strong throughout [and] Witty farce requires perfect timing and a bigness of character that Charlene Sloan (The Queen), Christian D. Faulkner (Mirror), and Blake Gouhari, as the Prince, consistently deliver. Broad comedy has a high potential to flop, so I really have to commend the Providence Players, for getting most everything right in this respect.”
“Greg Palmer, the playwright, and Rachel Yeager, the actress cast as Snow White, have between the two of them come up with a character that radiates personality. Yeager brings to the part an unworldly but grounded, sensitive innocence; it’s hard to write, or play, a character that’s compelling and believable and saintly all at once, but here Snow White manages to be all these things and it really works.”

“[The role of] Peg [Dwarf] is played delightfully by Hazel Thurston, with all the dignity, warmth, and glowing sincerity the part demands. Hers is one of the standout performances of the night.”

“The production stands out in other ways, notably in the design. Brian O’Connor’s stage construct, Jason Hamrick’s sound design, [and] The five costume designers have produced outfits that are simple, fairy-tale, and fun.
Overall, this is a superior production of a play that’s entertaining and upright in its intentions. Heartwarming, hilarious, and fun, reminiscent in tone to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ and similar in its moral purpose, ‘Snow White and the Family Dwarf ‘makes an uplifting holiday entertainment….It’s perfect for the holiday season, a bit like warm apple cider, spiked perhaps with a shot of rum. In other words, it goes down easy and makes you feel good…” Sam Hall, DCMetroTheaterArts Read Sam’s complete review on DcMetroTheaterArts.com
Family Friendly Comic Twist on the Classic Tale – Great for all Ages
Snow White and the Family Dwarf
Tickets on Sale Here and At The Door
On stage through the 20th of December, the Providence Players will be presenting a cheeky twist on the classic fairy tale Snow White. It has been said no amount of movie magic can replicate the experience of watching the classic Snow White live on stage. Now take that enchanting play and its journey into a storybook world and add a solid dose of comic twists, tongue-in cheek dialog, and magical moments and you have Greg Palmer‘s Snow White and the Family Dwarf.
Written by Greg Palmer and Directed by Beth Whitehead, this family friendly romp captures the warmth of the classic and adds much more. The Dwarfs are a close knit family of sisters and brothers whose last name happens to be Dwarf. Snow’s arrival is a surprise, but quickly the family jumps to her aid. As the Queen obsesses over physical beauty taunted by her magical mirror and the Prince searches for the perfect bride, the Dwarf family demonstrates that real beauty is in caring for each other.
The Providence Players’ Snow White and the Family Dwarf
At the James Lee Community Center Theater
2855 Annandale Road, Falls Church VA 22042
Remaining Performance Dates and Times
Thurs., Fri., and Saturday 7:30 p.m., December 17, 18, & 19
Saturday & Sunday Matinees 2:00 p.m., December 13, 19, & 20
Tickets: General Admission Seating – $17
Purchased Online At: www.providenceplayers.org
By Email At: providenceplayerstickets@cox.net
By Leaving a Voicemail At: 703-425-6782
Or Purchased at the Door
Great Theater for A Great Cause
The award winning Providence Players of Fairfax present this humorous and heart-warming tale, perfect for audiences of all ages, as a fund raiser for the Young Hearts Foundation working to improve the lives of young people affected by long-term illness. Over the past three years, PPF and the Young Hearts have collaborated during the holiday season to raise more than $24,000 to support the Young Hearts’ mission.