Greetings from the Board President
It seems improbable that it has been more than a full year since the world went remote and we’ve been able to perform at the James Lee Center. There is hope on the horizon as we welcome Spring. We have been looking for ways to bring live theater back to you. Read on to see our plans to bring you our latest outdoor production. I hope you will be able to join us!
Danine Welsh
President, Providence Players of Fairfax

Board Member Spotlight: Julie Janson, Director, Producer, Actor & Board Member
Julie Janson has been with Providence Players for 7 years, currently chairing the PopUp Committee, and serves on the Community Representation Committee. She is a director, producer, actor, stage manager and property designer. Through her core values of equality, accessibility and empowerment, Julie specializes in theater innovation and bringing special projects to life. When she is not in the theater, she serves as an active duty officer in the United States Air Force and enjoys time with her husband, Chris Crockett and three furry family members.

“I’m incredibly proud of the resilience and creativity Providence Players has shown during this time of protest and pandemic. We completely overhauled our diversity committee which has become the Community Representation Committee. It is a thoughtful acknowledgement that as a *community* theater, we have an imperative to represent our *entire* community. I’m happy to report that these efforts are not just limited to one committee – every aspect of our organization has committed to taking actionable steps towards diversity, accessibility and inclusion.

I’m also inspired by how much we managed to create during this incredibly difficult year. Providence Players embraced a spirit of innovation and is producing our fifth virtual PopUp production while simultaneously planning our second outdoor production (in a parking lot!). These efforts not only provided safe and accessible creative escapes for our patrons, they have also given our artists much-needed creative outlets. For me, the fact that we keep a rolling application window open for anyone who wants to pitch a virtual short is proof of our commitment to keep our doors open to everyone and keep community theater alive!

Providence Players is not just a place for me to grow and create – it’s another home and our members are my family. As a military member on the move, I can’t overstate how important it has been to have this community, no matter where we are stationed. I have seen many people move away, but never really leave. I hope the growth we have done in the virtual space will help us maintain even stronger connections and build our family in the future.”
Improvisation in Captivity: Announcing two new productions!
Boredom, Fear and Wine, by Craig Pospisil, is a fun and fast-paced one-act comedy about the stresses of lockdown life—and how easily it can spill over into your work life. Like many people, director Sarah Baczewski, newcomer to Providence Players, has occasionally felt like she was losing her mind over the past year, and hopes others will relate and enjoy the over-the-top humor of this story. It will be presented free, online. Save the dates: April 9, 10, 11.
Did you see Laundry & Bourbon and Lone Star? We are planning another outdoor theater experience. Get your lawn chairs ready! A Parking Lot, by Adam Szymkowicz, will be produced behind The Italian Café, May 6-22. Be prepared for an evening of great theatre, live music and laughter. More details to follow soon!
Save the Dates: Providence Play Reading Event & Happy Hour
Play Reading Night (Virtual) – Join us on Tuesday, April 13th, at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate William Shakespeare’s birthday by reading scenes from some of his greatest plays. Dance with the fairies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, bicker with Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, cackle over a cauldron with the witches in Macbeth and more! Those interested in reading can sign up in advance for this offering. The evening will be fun for both readers and listeners. Join us to honor the Bard! Make sure you save the date and remember, only members can attend! So, if you need to, make sure you renew or join – and then RSVP to get the Zoom log-in information.
Providence (Virtual) Happy Hour – Please join us for the next Happy Hour on Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 at 6:30pm. Put it on your calendar! We encourage you to prepare a beverage, grab your phone or iPad, and join us for a gabfest as we celebrate Spring, baby critters and cicadas! Make sure you save the date and remember, only members can attend! So, if you need to, make sure you renew or join – and then RSVP to get the Zoom log-in information
Blast from the Past: Side Man

A Special Thank You…
A special shout-out to members Roxanne Waite, Andra Whitt and Amanda Ranowsky who coordinated and hosted the wonderful Happy Hour held on March 9th – in honor of Women’s History Month. They created a clever, interactive guessing game that mixed women’s achievements with PPF photos and history.
We had lots of commentary and lots of fun – with kudos to Lighting maven Sarah Mournighan – who got the most correct answers (including one question about the spelling of her own name!).
Special thanks to Elizabeth Keith who shared her experiences of performing in a production of 19: The Musical – about the trailblazing suffragists who fought for the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Thanks and congratulations to all!

Member Updates
A Standing Ovation: Craig Geoffrion – A longstanding and beloved PPF veteran of over 20 productions, Craig Geoffrion, is retiring and moving away with his perpetually-patient, wife Debbie. Craig’s interest in theater goes back to the 2nd grade – when he was voluntold to play Cupid (in a diaper) for Valentine’s Day. Read the entire salute!

Shout out to Wynter Chatman. She has received a scholarship from Shana Dewitt of Business Coach & Marketing Strategist for Women, for her new business WynterStar Virtual Support, a business that provides assistance during live virtual events. Good luck to you, Wynter!
Sophia Manicone Congratulations to Sophia Manicone on her recent, live stream cabaret performance with Creative Cauldron (pay-per-view tickets still available on their website) – Lovely voice, lovely young actress.
- Welcome back renewing members: Bill Bodie, Janet Kohler Dueweke, Allen and Jenny Flanigan (and Family), Rosemary Hartman, Danette Illig, Carmen Jacobs, Robie and David Manno, Elizabeth and John Milam (and Family), Ann Montanari, Nora Rice and Kayleen Fitzgerald, David Rawlings, Cheryl Sinsabaugh, Bob & Debbie Smith (and Family), John Smith, Lauren Sullivan and Tara Tripp.
- New members: Welcome to Providence Players! Sarah Baczewski, Caitlin Brown, and Anne Shively.
- If your membership is lapsed and you wish to renew, you can click here.