by David Ives
Directed by Brian O’Connor
running time: 26 minutes
Providence Players has produced a special, virtual, free offering of one of the one acts from Mere Mortals, by David Ives.
It is lunch time, on a girder 50-stories high amidst the New York skyline. We eavesdrop on three construction workers who share increasingly amazing secrets of their past. A hilarious comedy and one of Ives’ best! This play has some strong language that may be offensive to some viewers.
From the Director, Brian O’Connor:
“When I first read this and then saw it performed (with Providence Players member, Patrick David), I thought this is a fun and enjoyable romp! So, I thought what a terrific idea and project for the Players to continue the theater experiences for our patrons during these difficult times. So, with my buddies in crime, David Whitehead and Patrick David, we are proud to present this morsel of fun! Please enjoy the reparte – Providence Players Pop Up Round 2!”
This is a limited engagement, and will be made available to current patrons, donors, members and individuals who sign up on Providence Players email list. This exciting performance will be made available via special access at three different times on three different dates:
- Friday, June 12, 7:00pmET (accessible 6:45-9:00pmET)
- Saturday, June 13, 7:00pmET (accessible 6:45-9:00pmET)
- Sunday, June 14, 2:00pmET (accessible 1:45-4:00pmET)
Direction on how to access the recording:
If you wish to see this offering, here are the instructions:
- Click here or the banner below to reserve your space.
- If you don’t already receive our emails, please click the “Yes, please include me in the Providence Players mailing list” at the bottom of the “check out” page. (Our rights agreement requires that you are an existing patron, donor, member or receive our updates.)
- Your ticket, which will be emailed to you, will verify the date and time you have chosen.
- Fifteen (15) minutes prior to the show, you will receive an email with a link to the recording. Click on the link (or copy and paste the link into your browser) to access the recording.
- The running time for the show is 20 minutes, so to ensure you see the entire recording, access the link to the site no later than 25 minutes before the time window closes, which is 2 hours after “curtain.” It will no longer be available at the time indicated.
- Enjoy the show!
To sign up for Providence Players’ email list, you can also do so from the home page and fill out the form in the footer at the bottom of the page, “Subscribe to our Updates.”