The Librarian (A PopUp)

By Hansol Jung

Commissioned by The Public Theater
Directed by Julie Janson

running time:  15 minutes

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Play Synopsis

Providence Players has produced a special, virtual, free offering of The Librarian, by Hansol Jung.

A family-friendly comedy.  There is a library of your life stacked on its shelves. The Librarian charges 200 bucks a minute to help you rewrite it. Then a clown walks in…

Wynter Chatman (Librarian):  There are definitely technical challenges with lighting, virtual backgrounds, and spotty internet connectivity. Nevertheless, I have thoroughly enjoyed this process, especially the completely collaborative aspect of it.


Ariana Colligan (Teacher):  It takes patience to do a play virtually and relying on whims of internet connectivity and (in my case) old hard drives about to retire and a computer system that doesn’t allow all parts of you to stay consistently visible when trying to implement a “virtual background”. This particular experience was made pleasant by experienced leadership, organization and again patience for all who were involved to create something unique and heartwarming that anyone might enjoy from the comfort of their home. 


David Rawlings (Dad): Loved doing the Pop-Up because it allows us/me to get back together w others, doing something we/I love and producing a product that is hopefully enjoyed by all, w out putting the patron in any unsafe situation or causing them undue stress. No matter what, theater is always welcome and a good way to help escape the stresses of life. I’m glad to have been a part of this, no matter how small, to be working w great people who share the same love of bringing stories to others. 


Mary Zuzik Andrechik (Clown):  I have loved being a part of The Librarian.  We have had such a blast making this little film, and we hope that our audience enjoys it too.  It is, in reality, a film, and not theater, so I do miss that special connection that we in the production have with our audience each night. However, until we can all be together again, I embrace this new creative medium and send it to the audience with love and laughter.


Elizabeth Keith (Client): “I am so excited to be a part of the PPF Pop-Up series! The Librarian has challenged me in so many different ways, but more importantly, has confirmed that theaters can still connect with the community in creative ways. As with live theater, this short play showcases the amazing work of the show’s “behind-the-scenes” tech crew whose talents and hard work contribute so much to telling this story. I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to entertain our community where it (safely!) is – at home. Enjoy!” 


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