Every other month, Providence Players’ members come together to read new plays being considered by the Board of Directors for its future seasons. Come read, evaluate and give input on plays to consider. To make a play suggestion, send an email to info@providenceplayers.org. Make sure you follow us on Facebook to get specific event and location information.
Normally, play reading events are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month, every other month (September, November, January, March, etc.)
Frequently Asked Questions About Play Readings
Due to COVID-19, playreadings will be held via Zoom or at Italian Café and only current members will be allowed to participate. The following Q&A, as it relates to the questions concerning in-home gatherings, and are relevant when gatherings of 10 or more can begin again.
- What time do play readings start? Play readings start at 7 PM with readings kicking off by 7:20 PM or so. We try to wrap them up by 9:30 PM.
- What kind of food and drink should I bring? Typically folks will bring some nibbles (chips, cut veggies, dip, salsa, cheese, crackers, fruit etc), or sweets (cookies, cake, other sweets), and either some wine, beer, or soda.
- Can I bring a friend/spouse/significant other? Yes, of course, just please RSVP with the number of people coming, we love new people!
- Do I have to read? No, not if you don’t want to. But, it is fun to read, great practice for auditions and tons of fun.
- Does PPF pick their plays from those read at play readings? Not necessarily but often yes. Plays read at play readings are evaluated by all the readers. Those evaluations are an invaluable and significant input into the PPF Board’s player selection decisions. Not all plays selected for performances by PPF are read at play readings but most are.
- Can I suggest a play to be read? Please do! Send us your suggestion to info@providenceplayers.org.
- Can I host a play reading? Please do! We are always in need of folks willing to open their homes for play readings.
- What do I need to know about hosting a play reading? Typically play reading attendance is between 8 and 20 people. All participants are asked to BYOB and something to nibble on to share. Hosts may provide some munchies/drink as well but it not required. Smaller groups will all read the same play in a single groups. When we have larger groups, we tend to divide into two or even three groups…for example, one in a living room and one in the dining room or basement reading the same play or sometimes another play. Play readings start at 7 PM with readings kicking off by 7:20 PM or so. We try to wrap them up by 9:30 PM.
Would you like to volunteer to host a play reading? Email us at info@providenceplayers.org. We always need host homes for play readings!